APL Navigator SOAP - User Guide

Available Reports and their Parameters and Schemas

Data Sets

Report data is generally accessible using the getReportStream() method. Essentially, you will distinguish which report or "data set" (XML document) to retrieve using the reportName parameter. For each reportName, the other parameters control the end content you will receive.

This list details the current available data sets and their corresponding required parameters (and schemas):

Optional Parameters

Parameters that are not required for a particular data should be passed as null or empty strings. Regardless, they will be ignored if they are not needed. Note that transId (reserved for future async messaging) and allowableAccounts (which may be provided to override the APL Navigator value for the corresponding user) are always optional.

Required Parameters

The parameters customerCode (your APL Navigator assigned acronym) and userId (the APL Navigator user on whose behalf the request is being made) are always required. If a required parameter is not supplied for a particular data set, the request will most likely fail.


Note that there are actually two getReportStream() methods with slightly different parameter sets. In general, you may use either one. If however, your data set requires the filter or model parameter, you will need to use the more extensive call. See the API documentation for AplReportService for more information.

Date format may be either mm/dd/ccyy or ccyy-mm-dd (e.g. 06/30/2002, or 2002-06-30 for June 30, 2002). Note that startDate and endDate should be passed as strings (as opposed to any fancy Date object).